Signs and Symptoms of pregnancy in the first Month
Expecting mothers frequently ask Dr. Uma Mishra about the early symptoms of pregnancy. Once you know what all symptoms are mostly noted in the early pregnancy, you are more confident during your pregnancy journey.
Most pregnant mothers discover their pregnancy either through Pregnancy tests after a missed period. However, some expecting mothers guess on the basis of a few first signs and symptoms of pregnancy also.
Let us know some signs and symptoms of pregnancy in the first month in this article.
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Commonly, the following early signs and symptoms are noted in pregnancy:
- Missed period: During childbearing years, when a woman misses her period for more than 7-10 days from the expected menstrual cycle dates then there is a high chance that she might be pregnant. But this may not be true for women with an irregular menstrual cycle.
- Breasts are tender or swollen: As an early hormonal response,breasts may become sensitive and sore causing discomfort for a few weeks.
- Morning sickness or Nausea with or without vomiting: Morning sickness during early pregnancy is also common. It is mostly observed from 4 to 9 weeks of pregnancy, however, reported earlier also.
- Increased urination: It is also noted as kidneys are required to process additional fluid during pregnancy.
- Fatigue: Fatigue is also reported by many expecting mothers, which is mostly due to early hormonal changes.
Some other symptoms of early pregnancy are Moodiness, Bloating, Light spotting, Cramping, Constipation, food aversion, nasal congestion, etc.
Are these symptoms adequate to confirm pregnancy?
No. These signs and symptoms may be present due to other reasons also and so they are not unique and hence we can not confirm pregnancy based on the symptoms.
Still, if a woman misses a period and notices some of the above signs or symptoms, she should take a home pregnancy test and get an appointment with a gynecologist, who can guide her regarding the next steps and pregnancy care.
her health care provider. If your home pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your health care provider. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can begin prenatal care.
If you’re planning to conceive or just learned you’re pregnant, start taking a daily prenatal vitamin. Prenatal vitamins typically contain important vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid and iron, to support your baby’s growth and development.
Some other frequently asked questions are:
FAQ: is gas a sign of pregnancy in the first month?
Answer: It is one of the signs and symptoms noted during pregnancy. If it is associated with a missed period, do a pregnancy test and consult a Gynecologist.
FAQ: Which sleeping position, I should prefer during pregnancy in the first 3 months?
Answer: Sleeping on Side-right or left is the preferred sleeping position. You can discuss it with a Gynecologist in case you have other issues or associated problems.
FAQ: Should I get Diet Tips from my Gynecologist?
Answer: Yes, you should ask her regarding Diet and also supplements.
About Author:
Dr. Uma Mishra, the most trusted Obstetrician and Gynecologist are the Genius of Pregnancy Care and Gynecological Treatments. Her clinics are considered the best Gynecology (Gynaecology) centers in Noida& Noida Extension. With more than 17 years of experience in providing world-class women’s health care, DrUma Mishra has delivered unmatched obstetrics and Gynecological care to her patients in Noida and Noida Extension.