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Is your pregnancy a High-risk pregnancy?

Is your pregnancy a High-risk pregnancy?

Mostly, in High-Risk Pregnancies, special monitoring or care throughout pregnancy is required and advised. Let us know some risk factors of high-risk pregnancy here and also a bit about what all points are to be taken care of so that you and your baby both are fit and fine. In case of any issues, book your consult with the most trusted Gynecologist of Noida, Dr. Uma Mishra.

Risk factors for a high-risk pregnancy?

Expecting mothers frequently ask- Is high-risk pregnancy always assessed only after I get Pregnant? No, High-Risk Pregnancy may be due to medical conditions present before pregnancy. But some medical conditions get developed during pregnancy which makes a pregnancy become high-risk pregnancy.

So, You Gynecologist at the preconception counseling stage also can examine and review your history and finding and tell you that your pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy and it will require special care and monitoring. However, in some cases, based on Ultrasound or other scans, and diagnostic test results also, she can tell you about the increased risk in pregnancy. Expecting mothers should carefully listen to the doctor and plan things accordingly to reduce or eliminate the risks.

The risk factors which are likely to make a pregnancy a high-risk pregnancy include the following:

  • Advanced maternal age: Are you an expecting mother older than 35 years? If so, you are in advanced maternal age and your pregnancy may fall in high-risk pregnancy zone.
  • Maternal health problems: Following maternal health problems increase the risk during pregnancy are required to be properly managed by your Gynecologist:
    • High Blood Pressure (B.P.)
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Epilepsy
    • Thyroid disease
    • Heart diseases or disorders
    • Blood diseases or disorders
    • Asthma
    • Vaginal Infections
  • Pregnancy complications: Some complications that develop during pregnancy like following increase the risk and special precautions and care are required in such cases:
  • Unusual placenta position
  • Retarded Fetal growth
  • Rhesus (Rh) sensitization — Particularly when blood group of mother is is Rh (-)  baby’s blood group is Rh (+).
  • Multiple pregnancy: That is when youcarry more than one fetus.
  • History of High-Risk Pregnancy: Be cautious and consult your doctor in case you had a history of pregnancy-related hypertension disorders including preeclampsia. History of single or multiple premature births should be shared with your Gynecologist. In such cases, your Gynecologist thoroughly searches for the causes based on examination and diagnostic tests so that the risks can be minimised or controlled.
  • Lifestyle choices: Smoking, Drinking, Drug Abuse also increase the risk in pregnancy.

Please Schedule a preconception appointment, Seek regular prenatal care. Avoid risky substances and lifestyles and listen to your Gynecologist carefully and implement plans advised.

In the next article, some actions that we should take in High-Risk Pregnancy will be covered. Consult your Gynecologist to know about risk profile of your pregnancy today.

Consult your doctor/ Gynecologist about changes that concern you. You may consult Gynecologist Dr. Uma Mishra, MBBS MD, Gynecology who is known for his expertise in the management of High-Risk Pregnancy and providing best pregnancy care in Noida, Noida Extension and nearby areas. Expecting mothers or women planning pregnancy, please consult at her clinic at Sector-75, Noida, Sector-77, Noida, Sector-119, Noida or Sector-48, Noida. She has 17 years of experience with more than 10000 satisfied women’s health consultations, treatments, and surgeries.

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