Dr. Uma Mishra, the most trusted Obstetrician and Gynecologist, is the Genius of Pregnancy Care and Gynecological Treatments. Her clinics are considered the best Gynecology (Gynaecology) centres in Noida & Noida Extension.

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Treatment Name

Heart Transplant

Time Duration

More Than 12 Hour

Doctor Name

Dr. David Smith

Obstetrician deals with the well-being of pregnant mothers, all health aspects of expecting mothers and foetus, the delivery process, and the mother’s health after the delivery.

 The functions of an obstetrician in brief are as follows:

  • Normal delivery monitoring, guiding, and ensuring successful normal delivery with their team
  • Facilitating delivery through performing episiotomy- Strategic cuts over the perineum of the pregnant mother to ease out delivery
  • Sometimes prolonged labour might require assistance to speed up the process to reduce maternal fatigue and fetal distress (rising heart rate and possible brain damage to the baby). This uses techniques like forceps delivery and vacuum-assisted delivery.
  • Caesarean (or C) section that requires surgery for taking out the baby from the mother’s womb to reduce the complications that arise during labour. These complications in turn may cause death or damage to the newborn unless delivery is expedited with a C section.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy: An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized ovum gets implanted in any place other than the womb. Commonly it gets implanted in the fallopian tubes. As the fetus begins to grow in the tube there is a risk of rupture of the tube and this may be life-threatening. The obstetrician detects and manages such pregnancy before it can cause serious harm.
  • In some women who have had previous miscarriages cervical cerclage operations involving placement of sutures around the cervix are performed to prevent miscarriages.
  • Diagnosis of congenital abnormalities while the baby is still within the womb that includes detection of Down’s syndrome using ultrasound and techniques like chorionic villus sampling
  • Advice on contraception including Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) insertion
  • Detection and management of abortion, miscarriage, and performing procedures such as Dilatation and Curettage (D & C) or Dilatation and Evacuation (D & E).
  • Selecting an expert Gynecologist & Obstetrician is key to ensuring trouble-free pregnancy and good woman health.
  • Dr. Uma Mishra is specialized in pregnancy care, childbirth, and all treatments and surgeries related to a woman’s reproductive system. As one of the finest antenatal care providers she thoroughly examines women w.r.t. their health history, current health parameters, genetic factors, and many other factors as per the latest medical protocol, and thus women get individualized pregnancy care. She provides routine prenatal care and preconception counseling to women who are planning pregnancy. She has proven exceptional skills in complete diagnoses and treating complications during pregnancy.
  • She has expertise in normal vaginal delivery and considers it best for the expecting mothers.
  • In case of obstructed labor or any complication during labor that may be fatal to the mother or baby, C-section is recommended and you can trust Dr. Uma Mishra completely for such surgeries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Is it okay to do exercise during pregnancy?

It is not only okay to exercise during pregnancy, but it is encouraged to have regular physical activity during pregnancy. Dr. Uma Mishra recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises on most days of the week for a healthy pregnant mother.

What is the Gestational age of a fetus?

The gestational age of a fetus is the age of an unborn child. It is based on the date of your previous menstrual period and is measured in weeks and days. Dr. Uma Mishra most probably will talk to you about your pregnancy in weeks rather than months. Trimesters refer to the three stages of pregnancy. The first trimester lasts from the first to the twelfth week of pregnancy. The second trimester lasts from week 13 to week 27, and the third trimester lasts from week 28 until delivery.

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