Dr. Uma Mishra, the most trusted Obstetrician and Gynecologist, is the Genius of Pregnancy Care and Gynecological Treatments. Her clinics are considered the best Gynecology (Gynaecology) centres in Noida & Noida Extension.

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Birth Control

Treatment Name

Heart Transplant

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More Than 12 Hour

Doctor Name

Dr. David Smith

Birth control

Birth control (contraception) is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy. Women can choose from many different types of birth control. Some work better than others at preventing pregnancy. The type of birth control you use depends on your health, your desire to have children now or in the future, and your need to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Dr. Uma Mishra can help you decide which type is best for you right now. She can provide birth control treatments in Noida via a variety of methods, some are listed below;


Barrier methods: The methods of birth control which act as barriers to keep sperm from reaching the egg are called barrier methods. Some of these methods also protect from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Apart from the methods easily available over the counter in medical store, diaphragm and cervical cap are barrier methods prescribed by a Gynecologist.


Short-acting hormonal methods: Examples include birth control pills, as well as the vaginal ring (NuvaRing), skin patch (Xulane) and contraceptive injection (Depo-Provera). These are considered short-acting methods because you have to remember to use them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


Long-acting hormonal methods: Copper IUDs (ParaGard), hormonal IUDs (Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena, and others), and contraceptive implants are examples (Nexplanon). These are referred to as long-acting methods since they can last anywhere from three to ten years after insertion, depending on the device, or until you choose to have it removed.


Sterilization: This is a permanent method of birth control. Examples include tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men.


Book an appointment with Dr. Uma Mishra for more advice on birth control.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How long can I be on birth control pills?

As long as there is no medical reason to not take the Pill, you can stay on them  for years, whether it is to regulate your menstrual cycle, treat cramps, protect against pregnancy, or for hormone replacement therapy. However, start the birth control pills based on advise of a Gynecologist and consult whenever you notice any of the notified side effects.

What effect do antibiotics have on my oral contraceptives?

Oral contraceptive effectiveness can be compromised by certain antibiotics. Please check with your pharmacist to see if there is another way to safeguard yourself during the antibiotic cycle.

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